Saturday, October 15, 2016

Every day is a new Beginning

As I sit in my house that I will reside in for the next two years, my thoughts race to reminiscing all the days that led up to my graduation from PST. I felt like it’s all gone by so fast, yet I will never forget my father's words telling me, “Don’t count down the days, because you’ll always be looking to get out instead of staying and being where you are.” [This of course was all in Korean]. It’s always when you’re looking back that you realize that time seems slow at the time, but it doesn’t mean it’s not going. Shoutout to Papa Oe for making me feel those pearls of wisdom.

I was warned that I might not have running water, that I might have to poop in a bucket, that I might have to sift through some leftovers of Peace Corps hand me downs, and more importantly that I’d be arriving during the hottest part of summer. I’ll even be honest… the night before I left Moleps, I had a panic attack. I had thoughts doubting my Setswana abilities, my facilitating and organizing abilities, my capacity to socialize and build relationships without the comfort of English, my unwritten schedule, my undeveloped projects, and my fear of not being good enough. (This is where Mama Mo comes to the rescue). She heard me rustling around and leaving my room to go to the toilet and to brush my teeth, because honestly I didn’t know what to do with myself and couldn’t handle tossing and turning anymore. She called to me and I came running, seeking for solace and comfort, which she completely provided by letting me be a child and sleep in the bed next to her. Again let me repeat, moms are the best.

Then the day came for me to travel to my new hometown. It was a long day of travel, waiting, unexpected injuries (not mine but of a fellow rider), and little leg room. And then several hours later, I was home. I was in Hukuntsi. I didn’t know what to do first or how to unpack… But the best part of my moving in process was coming across this wonderfully touching note left by the Bots 15 volunteer I am replacing. She wrote, “Hi! I hope you have a wonderful 2 years here! Every day is a new beginning. Enjoy the sunsets! <3 Corinne*”.

If you’ve been following my blog, one of my entries is about no more last of anythings, but first of somethings. Just another small sign that things will work out, and that things happen for a reason. I have lots of uncertainties, but I am going to repeat a fellow volunteer’s words, “I could be back in the States… But I’d be bored.” Life is an adventure and I’m ready to practice what I preach. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for this experience and I’m diving in.

Cheers to new beginnings ya’ll.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey everyone sorry I have been away for so long but so much has been going on and no time to post. I moved to New Orleans the first week of July and my feet hit the ground running. I have been working on my old house in Florida for the last few weeks and I am exhausted after successfully getting a loan from Mr Pedro and his loan firm at 3% rate to help finish my house ! So no time to work out, no time to eat right etc.....I so want my life back and I am so proud of what Mr Pedro did to me by helping me with a loan. I am going to leave Mr Pedro email here so anyone looking for a loan can contact Mr Pedro on or whatsapp text...+18632310632. Hopefully I can get my life back on track. Miss you guys hope to back on soon.
